Monday, March 8, 2010


One of the great joys experienced in selling real estate, is meeting so many new people who are willing to share their life experiences with you. I recently sold a condo unit to a client and he shared information with me about an annual event in New Hampshire that I had not heard about; it’s inspirational and patriotic and filled me with a deep sense of pride: it’s great to be an American! That event is called FLAGS ON THE 48.

The “Flags on the 48” began as an act of remembrance and a demonstration of patriotism in response to the horrific terrorist attacks that took place in the United States on September 11, 2001.

On September 15, 2001, three days after the attacks, six hikers met at the White House Trailhead packing a 96 square foot American flag, 30 feet of PVC tubing, 100 feet of rope and 2 rolls of duct tape. They were compelled to do something to express their grief for the devastating loss of lives on 9/11. In a small demonstration of their compassion in the wake of such incomprehensible violence, these six hikers ascended with heavy hearts to raise the American flag from the summit of Mount Liberty. This was their personal tribute to the victims who perished in the attacks.

Now, each year, on or around September 11th, impassioned hikers embark on a collective journey to raise American flags on all 48 of the 4,000 foot summits in New Hampshire. Hundreds of people take part; from Boy Scout troops and veteran groups to every day hikers. Participants from around New England create a moving memorial that is a compassionate show of support for those who have suffered such heartbreaking loss.

We encourage you to join in this patriotic and emotional endeavor; those of you who are not hikers can access transportation to the top of Cannon, Washington or Wildcat Mountains to watch the flag rising. For more information go to

See you on the mountain-top!!

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